Angela & Helen's little house

1994 April 16

Created by helen 16 years ago
On 16th April 1994 Angela and I moved into a house together on Green Lane, Whitwick. Our first day didn’t make the best impression on the neighbours as when we were unpacking a whole box of polystyrene packaging (the tiny bits) went flying down the road and off into people’s gardens! Of course, Angela’s personality soon won everyone over and we all got on famously. We lived together for about 6 months before I left to save for my wedding and Andrew then moved in. Looking back it was probably a good thing I left when I did as we’d both already gained about a stone in weight from the huge bars of Dairy Milk, my Mum's chocolate cake and the many bottles of wine consumed whilst catching up on the day’s events! Sharing a house with Angela was great fun and I have very happy memories from that time.